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The Rock Interpreting 

Effective Date: March 27, 2023

The Rock Interpreting Services is committed to protecting our users’ and visitors’ privacy. This policy explains how we collect, use, share, and disclose personal information about you when you interact with or use our websites or services.

1. Personal Information We Collect

We collect and use personal information about you to facilitate your use of our services and for our business purposes. “Personal information” for the purposes of this policy means any information that could help us directly or indirectly identify you. Information that does not identify an individual is not personal information. This includes aggregate consumer information, meaning information that relates to a group or category of individuals, from which individual identities have been removed, that is not linked or reasonably linkable to any individual or, to any household, including via a device.

We may collect the following categories of personal information about you:

  • Identifiers and similar information such as your name, address, phone number, date of birth, email address

  • Certain information protected under federal or state laws, including government identification documents like a driver’s license, a signature, or financial information.

  • Characteristics of protected classifications under federal or certain state laws, including gender or disability.

  • Geolocation data 

2. Sources of Personal Information

We may collect personal information directly from you or others acting on your behalf when you choose to: (i) send an email, fill out online forms, or participate in other interactions with our service providers. We also may collect personal information from other sources as permitted by law, including our affiliates, regulatory authorities, third parties we interact with to provide you services (e.g., a hospital or other institution that uses our services at your direction to facilitate your care), or public websites or publicly available sources like government records.

In order to provide certain services, you have to complete an application or other registration form(s) and provide certain information reasonably necessary for us to provide the services you requested. We may collect the following types of information in registration form(s) and when you use our or services: your name, your address(es) (i.e., physical location from where you need services), your date of birth, the last four digits of your social security number, your email address(es), your phone number(s), and your usage of our services (including quantity, type, destination, location, and amount of use). The information gathered from your use of our services is known as Customer Proprietary Network Information (“CPNI”).

3. Purposes for Collecting and Using Personal Information

The Rock may collect or use your personal information for various business purposes to provide you with our services and to respond to your questions. The Rock may also use personal information in connection with federal or other legal requirements, such as responding to a subpoena or court order, providing information as required by Federal Communications Commission (“FCC”) regulations, or providing information for purposes of emergency communications. 

Personal information which visitors voluntarily provide to us (e.g., names, postal and email addresses, phone numbers) may be added to our databases and used for future calls and mailings regarding our services

4. Disclosure of Personal Information

We won't disclose personal. information. SMS consent or phone numbers for the purpose of SMS aren't. shared.

The Rock will take reasonable steps and use security measures appropriate to the nature of the information at issue and that comply with applicable laws to protect customers’ personal information against unauthorized access and exfiltration, acquisition, theft, or disclosure. Given the nature of information security, there is no guarantee that such safeguards will always be successful.

5. Reasonable Security Measures

6. Opt-Out Right and Access to and Ability to Correct Personal Information

Visitors may opt out of having their personal information collected by The Rock disclosed to third parties, or used by The Rock or third parties to send correspondences to the visitor, by contacting The Rock via postal mail, email at the addresses below, or telephone 720-329-5627, or by checking the appropriate “opt-out” box. Upon request via postal mail, email, or phone, The Rock will provide to visitors a summary of any personal information retained by The Rock regarding the visitor. Visitors may modify, correct, change or update their personal record or cause their personal record to be removed from The Rocks database. The Rock will only send personal records to the email address on file for the visitor name associated with it. Visitors may also submit request to opt-out via postal mail at: PO BOX 726 Mead CO 80542 or email at

7. The Rock's Right to Contact Users

The Rock reserves the right to contact website visitors regarding account status and changes to the subscriber agreement, Privacy Policy, or any other policies or agreements relevant to site visitors. 

8. The Rock's Right to Change this Privacy Policy

The foregoing policy was last updated and is effective as of March 27, 2024. The Rock reserves the right to change this policy at any time. Changes to the policy will be posted to this page, and if changes are significant, a summary of the changes will be posted at the beginning of the policy.

9. Contact Information

If you have any questions about this policy, you may contact us via email at or via regular mail PO BOX 726 Mead CO 80542

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